Schleswig-Holstein (SH)
Article Flag Displays
Schleswig-Holstein no longer regulates the order in which flags are to be displayed. The rule which existed until 2003 and was based on the federal model was repealed as part of regulatory reform.
Landesflagge - Es ist keine Reihenfolge vorgegeben (Larger version opens in new window)
Source: Protokoll Inland
Beflaggung in Schleswig-Holstein
The Land flag or Land institutions flag is always displayed with the federal flag and European flag. If for technical reasons no more than two flags may be flown, then the European flag is to be displayed next to the Land flag or Land institutions flag.
Flags are to be displayed during the day. Flags may be displayed 24 hours a day if the display extends over several days.
The seat of the Land parliament is to display flags when the Land parliament is in session. All official Land buildings in Kiel are to display flags for the duration of the Kieler Woche summer festival. Ministry buildings are to display flags from Monday through Friday.