The standard of the Federal President

type: Article , Topic: Flag Displays

The standard of the Federal President is hoisted at the official residence when the Federal President is in residence.

“The standard of the Federal President shall be a gold square bordered in red bearing the federal eagle, hovering and facing the staff; the proportion of the width of the red border to the hoist of the standard shall be 1:12” (Section I no. 2 of the Directive concerning the German flags).

The special rules on the flags of the Federal President remain unaffected by the provisions of the Federal Government Decree concerning flag displays at official buildings (Section I no. 1 (2) of the Federal Government Decree).

The standard is displayed on official vehicles of the Federal President in accordance with Section I no. 2 of the Directive concerning the German flags. There are no restrictions as to its dimensions.

When is the standard of the Federal President hoisted and where?

The standard of the Federal President is hoisted at the official residence when the Federal President is in residence. Bellevue Palace in Berlin is the Federal President’s first official residence and Villa Hammerschmidt in Bonn is the second official residence. If the Federal President has an appointment in another city, the standard remains flying over Bellevue Palace even if the Federal President is not in Berlin. The standard flying over Bellevue Palace is lowered only when the Federal President is not in residence and is residing at an official residence elsewhere, for example on a state visit abroad.

At the end of the state visit, the standard is lowered at the Federal President’s place of residence abroad and is once again hoisted at Bellevue Palace when the Federal President returns to Berlin.

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