List of federal ministries

type: Article , Topic: Ranks & titles

What is the order in which federal ministries should be mentioned?

The following order of precedence for the federal ministries is based on the official order of precedence for the federal ministers adopted by the Federal Cabinet on 8 December 2021.

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate ActionBMWK
Federal Ministry of FinanceBMF
Federal Ministry of the Interior and CommunityBMI
Federal Foreign OfficeAA
Federal Ministry of JusticeBMJ
Federal Ministry of Labour and Social AffairsBMAS
Federal Ministry of DefenceBMVg
Federal Ministry of Food and AgricultureBMEL
Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and YouthBMFSFJ
Federal Ministry of HealthBMG
Federal Ministry for Digital and TransportBMDV
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer ProtectionBMUV
Federal Ministry of Education and ResearchBMBF
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and DevelopmentBMZ
Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and BuildingBMWSB

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