State visits
Article Flag Displays
During a state visit by a foreign head of state, flags are displayed at the buildings to be visited and along the route travelled by the guest.
Banner-format flags of the EU, Malawi, the Federation and Berlin at Platz des 18. März in Berlin (Larger version opens in new window)
Source: Protokoll Inland
Flags in banner format
On the instructions of the Federal Foreign Office, the European flag, the flag of the guest's home country and the federal flag are to be displayed at the arrival airport and along certain streets between the airport and the centre of Berlin.
Specific parts of the route to be flagged
Protocol route in front of the Federal Chancellery with the flags of the EU, Malawi and the Federation (Larger version opens in new window)
Source: Protokoll Inland
EU, Malawi and federal flags
Flags are to be displayed in particular at the following sites: Ernst-Reuter-Platz (36 flags), Grosser Stern (24 flags), Bellevue Palace (30 flags), between the Federal Chancellery and the Reichstag building (26 flags), on the western side of the Brandenburg Gate (8 flags in banner format) and along the boulevard Unter den Linden (33 flags).
Other visits
There are usually no more than four official state visits with full protocol honours per year. For official, working or other types of visits, flags are displayed only at the buildings to be visited by the guest.